

Raspberry Environment aPi:

Temperature: °C

Humidity: %

Pressure: hPa

CPU temp: °C

CO2: ppm

TVOC: ppb

  • Portfolio website

    Website to showcase projects and skills
    Technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
    Uses the Raspberry Environment aPi and fetches contribution amount from GitHub
    Hosted on GitHub Pages

  • Raspberry Environment aPi

    An API for monitoring local environment sensor data
    Technologies used: Python, Docker, SQLite
    Built using the FastAPI framework and currently running in a container on a Raspberry Pi

  • Small Java game: Coin Flip

    Text based Java game
    Technologies used: Java, Docker

  • More coming soon!
  • Languages: C# C# Go Go Java Java PHP PHP JavaScript JavaScript Python Python
  • Other: Docker, Kubernetes, GitLab CI/CD
  • Tools and IDEs: Visual Studio Code, JetBrains IDEs, Visual Studio, Git
  • Databases: PostgreSQL PostgreSQL MariaDB SQlite
  • Project Tools: Scrum, Agile, Unified Process, UML
  • OS: Linux, Windows
  • Education: BEng Bachelor of Engineering in Software Technology from the University of Southern Denmark.
  • Work: I'm in a Platform & Tools team working on improving developer experience.
  • Hobbies: drumming, books, running, computers.




High Score for this play session: 0